What Is Staircasing?

What Is Staircasing?

Shared Ownership allows first-time buyers a way to get onto the property ladder by purchasing a share of a property, and paying a subsidised rent on the share they don’t own. This means paying a smaller deposit than would typically be required when making a property purchase.  

Often, over time, when it becomes affordable to do so, Shared Ownership customers like to increase their purchase share of the property, this process is known as staircasing.  

Staircasing enables you to gradually build up the amount of your Shared Ownership home of which you hold the lease. For example, if you started by holding 25% of your home’s lease, you could buy another 25% share, which would mean you hold a 50% share. Dependent on the terms of your lease, you can hold up to 100% of your lease. 

Benefits of Staircasing:

Pay less rent

By reducing the percentage of your property that you rent, you will also cut your monthly rent. While you may be paying more towards your mortgage instead, this money is going towards the leasehold of the property, giving you capital. 

Benefit from any increase in house prices

The more of your home’s lease that you hold, the greater you’ll benefit if its value increases. 

 Freedom to sell

If you become the property’s sole leaseholder (i.e. hold 100% of the lease) you can sell your property on the open market using an estate agent of your choice.  

Find out more about Staircasing, and use our calculator to find out the estimated monthly cost of your rent. 


Are you looking for a stylish and modern home in London or the South East? 

Southern Home Ownership is dedicated to providing stylish, high quality and contemporary new homes for sale on a Shared Ownership basis. 

If you're a first-time buyer and interested in owning a property through  Shared Ownership in London or the South East, then take a look at our range of developments